There is a popular song on the radio right now by Jason Gray entitled "Remind Me Who I Am," and on the radio the other day he explained where his heart is in this song. It basically summed up to the fact that our sin often originates from our continual identity crisis. As humans we strive to find our worth, even subconsciously . We are seeking to serve ourselves, instead of living a life worthy of the testimony of the cross.
Joe and I are currently reading through a book entitle Soul Detox. In the chapter I am reading right now he talks about the power our minds have, but the Lord enables with his power to take captive our thoughts!
2 Corinthians 10:5
"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we tale captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
Satan is adamant about threatening our testimonies through the lies the world has to offer. For example, we compromise slowly but surely until we begin to think in way's that are not in line with scripture. For me I have always struggled with how so many Christians are able to sit through and watch a movie that is in no way justifiable to the cross. I am so guilty of this, how are we to look different if we are able to review and quote movies that not-yet-Christians themselves know are against everything we stand for!
Another thing is the "that's what she said joke's." It is something that we have said okay that's not that bad, its funny so its okay. No! Slowly but surely, it has become more and more acceptable to speak inappropriately, and I refuse to believe that men are just speaking these things without thinking on them more deeply... are we seriously encouraging our brothers to stumble? I know many people reading this would claim I am naive in saying this, or its not that big a deal. That's the problem, what's next. What else will we be accepting of?
The way we speak explains very plainly how we think.
These are only a few examples, but the longer we are accepting of them, the more they become ingrained into our identity. How can our spirit not be offended and still be able to honor Jesus Christ. It takes a soul detox just as this book says.
In what area's of your life can you identify that you need to be more intentional about taking captive your thoughts?
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