There is this incredible network of Women completing bible studies together, ONLINE! I know, crazy right, well maybe not too shocking anymore; however, since I have began participating I have been tremendously blessed from reading the ways God is delivering understanding and wisdom to women across the globe through these studies. Currently we are going through a study on Advent. It is a total of 28 day's long and began on December 2. Here is a link the the website if you are interested, if you have any questions at all please feel free to ask!
I have never really studied advent past attending regular Sunday morning worship and listening as the pastor explained a short passage before lighting one of the candles. This year life if happening so quickly and moving at such a rapid pace, I wanted so desperately not to miss out on the true celebration of the life of Jesus.
Advent means "arrival of an important thing or event." This is a time of year that we would be best suited to approach the nativity as those in old testament literature would have. In expectancy of the arrival of the King they had long awaited. In this study we have been reminded that it is our gift to be assured by these fulfilled prophesies, but they were hoping on these promises! Let's be certain as the day's near to be not only assured, but expectant of the promises that he has made in new testament literature, as it direct us to hope on the reality that he has been faithful before. As we celebrate and await the arrival of the king, remember that this promise has been satisfied and you are fiercely loved by the man that lived the life that redeemed yours!
2 Peter 1:19
So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts.
Anxiously awaiting the day of the bright and morning star with you, and celebrating the morning star within you and I!
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