Friday, October 28, 2011

Another Journey Begins

I recently have purchased a Nikon D3000 and I am learning about photography. I really enjoy taking pictures and editing them! I had my first ever mini "photo shoot." 

On Thursday afternoon when I got out of class me and J Rey headed towards downtown and I got to play around with my new camera.

I have a lot of room to grow and area's to learn. I played around with appature, I haven't quite gotten lighting figured out, but I did learn a lot. I also played around with the ISO a bit. It was a lot of fun.

Please be gently, this was my first attempt! I have a lot to learn about photo editing as well, but I have had a great time doing this and look forward to many more opportunities. If anyone wants to be my genie pig, please let me know!


  1. Rebecca,
    These are wonderful!!
    I am so very proud of you!!
    You can take our Christmas card pictures!

  2. Becca,

    You are awesome! The pictures look great and I am glad to see you getting out and practicing :) Keep it up!!
