Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Beloved. (Spoiler Alert)

As mentioned yesterday, joey and I attended Courageous this past weekend. At one point in this movie this father takes his daughter out to a fancy restaurant. It is beautiful, he is in a tux and she in a nice dress. As, she begins to digest and understand why he has done so much for her he pulls out a ring box. He then continues to ask her for the opportunity to approve of any and all boys who want the opportunity to date her, and to respect their decisions in her dating life. In asking this he also explains that he loves her more than she can digest and helps her to understand that she deserves only the best. The ring he pulls our is a gorgeous diamond heart with a gold band. As he puts it on her finger he tells her that this is intended to be worn until your wedding day. 

Of course, as any girl who loves her daddy would, she responds in a giggle and with thanks! The scene continues and she is seen starring at the beautiful ring that now occupies her left hand where her daddy placed it, heart filled with joy!

I just wanted to take a day to get back to the status of a daughter. I often forget that he is not only my God but my father. I am his precious and beloved child! I am held, cared for, and loved. 

In reading this morning, I came across beloved in 1 Peter, although it didn't come directly from the mouth of Jesus, it did tug my heart just as dearly. My daughter, come close! I hold your heart, your next moment, and your dreams. I will not let you fall. Wait upon my will, it will be greater than you could ever imagine on your own. Be still.

Remember today how your savior see's you. That bond is unique and specific to you! 
A special and sacred reminder that you too are

Be Blessed,

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