Saturday, December 8, 2012

#SheReadTruth: Advent Post One

There is this incredible network of Women completing bible studies together, ONLINE! I know, crazy right, well maybe not too shocking anymore; however, since I have began participating I have been tremendously blessed from reading the ways God is delivering understanding and wisdom to women across the globe through these studies. Currently we are going through a study on Advent. It is a total of 28 day's long and began on December 2. Here is a link the the website if you are interested, if you have any questions at all please feel free to ask! 
I have never really studied advent past attending regular Sunday morning worship and listening as the pastor explained a short passage before lighting one of the candles. This year life if happening so quickly and moving at such a rapid pace, I wanted so desperately not to miss out on the true celebration of the life of Jesus. 

Advent means "arrival of an important thing or event." This is a time of year that we would be best suited to approach the nativity as those in old testament literature would have. In expectancy of the arrival of the King they had long awaited. In this study we have been reminded that it is our gift to be assured by these fulfilled prophesies, but they were hoping on these promises! Let's be certain as the day's near to be not only assured, but expectant of the promises that he has made in new testament literature, as it direct us to hope on the reality that he has been faithful before. As we celebrate and await the arrival of the king, remember that this promise has been satisfied and you are fiercely loved by the man that lived the life that redeemed yours! 

2 Peter 1:19
So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts.

Anxiously awaiting the day of the bright and morning star with you, and celebrating the morning star within you and I!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

We're Engaged!

I know, I know... for those of you who already know this post is way past due, but for those of you who don't, I want to share my excitement! I am no longer a Lady in Waiting... well kind of. On October 6, 2012 Joseph Adam Watts got down on one knee and asked me to be his bride! We were celebrating our 4 year anniversary and he took me back to the very first place we celebrated an annual anniversary. I had no idea, we had lunch and then walked along the pier just as we had done the first year. Then slowly but surely Joey lead me to the bench where we had sat for hours just talking and enjoying each other! We sat for a while watching the boats pass and talking about passer by'ers, enjoying people watching and allowing life to slow down. I told him we could leave whenever he wanted and I would be fine. He said no lets stay a little longer, and so we sat there and we talked and he became impatient. A sweet family sat down near us with a funnel cake and he got all flustered and upset asking me, Do they even sell those here? Really a funnel cake? Then he continued to be irritated as people would pass by and stop or linger. Eventually we were all alone and he slid off the bench and on to his knee in front of me and asked me to marry him! The words he said are such a blur because I was in total and utter shock, but what I do remember was so precious. The next thing I know I am asking if he is serious... I could not believe this was actually happening! How is it possible!

Moments later I was asking him a million and one questions the first, does my mom know? He said yes! I continued to ask has she seen the ring? No she hasn't. I yelled JOEY we have to leave now! I have to show my mom, I have to call her, can we leave? In all of the excitement I neglected to focus on him, so once we got in the car, I caught my breath and we talked it out, I learned the specifics and admired the ring he had worked so hard to pick out just for me! It was such a sweet experience.

Since then the excitement has dwindle... but ever so slightly. I love telling everyone I am going to be the new Mrs. Watts! I love telling him how excited I am to be his bride. It never gets old hearing him call me his future wife. Although when we were dating I would say stuff in passing that I was going to marry this man, but he never did, he kept it as something special just for the woman he would marry. That woman is me and now it is all the more precious to hear these things come from his mouth!

We are both very excited about the future. I am graduating on December 15, 2012 in just a little more than a week, and he will be graduating in May.. hopefully! Our wedding date is October 26, 2013. Both of our birthdays fall on a 26 and we began dating in October so it is rather fitting. This time next year I will be Mrs. Rebecca Watts and I couldn't be more thrilled.

This year holds many exciting things. I am currently pursuing employment, and praying with all my might that I will be able to apply my major to my career in way that is fulfilling and honoring to the Lord. I would love to work within a foster or adoption agency training and recruiting foster parents as well as aiding the children in transition. I also am working towards getting healthy. My body has not been taken care of very well during college. I definitely gained weight that its hurting me. I have back pain often and am sore due to inactivity. Over this next year I will be documenting my journey towards a healthy lifestyle. Joey will also be joining me in this pursuit. Yes, I am getting married and looking better in a dress is a bonus. However, I ultimately know that my weight is enabling me to live the life of freedom the Lord intends for me. Joey and I want to start our marriage spiritually, emotionally, and physically healthy! That way, in the future we can help our children to not stubble through life with the trial of obesity and plagued with the reality of bad health habits.

I haven't completely began my dieting and exercising yet, and I don't intend to jump into this cold turkey in a sense. I am going to start by mentally being present every time I put anything in my mouth and asking myself the question, is this satisfying my bodies needs or my emotions desires. Focusing on making choices to get active and move more. With finals this week and the following week, it is difficult to begin cooking, everyone knows that is not what happens during finals week! I will be documenting my journey several times a week! Please tag a long. I really do need encouragement and motivation! Also prayers for Joey and I as we make commitments to each other and to ourselves independently over the next year!

There is excitement everywhere in my life right now and I so can't wait to share it with you.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

An ability that leads to a downfall

As this semester seems to be flying by, the Lord is continually humbling my heart, soul, and mind. As I am in this time of transition it has been so easy for me to jump the gun, looking towards the mountain in the distance with expectant and anxious eyes. I have had to be reminded that I am not in control. This week in my quiet time I came across this passage on worrying. It spoke of how the Lord has ordained our bodies and minds to be anticipatory. We are the only being that has the higher level thinking capability to predict the future (See thing's coming). How awesome is it that he  see's us worthy of being entrusted with that gift... let's get back to it. This as a great strength and he utilizes it as such in many aspects of our lives. However as we know, things tend to be good in moderation. This is a gift, but when we press the envelope it can be our greatest downfall. I began to meditate on this more thinking of other areas of my life that I need the Holy Spirit to establish dominion and restraint over. I am fascinated by our minds, the way they are created and function is so intriguing (maybe that's my degree speaking), but it is so important to utilize another thing the Lord gifted us with and that is self control. As Christians we are to deny ourselves of our own "rights," as we know that entitlement brings our souls to perish. There may be times in your life when the Lord lifts your head to look towards the mountain, and other times he may be asking you to focus your eyes towards the stepping stone inches from your feet. Let's decided today to practice self control by following the Lord in Obedience.

Are there any area's in your life that the Holy Spirit needs to take captive? Could you use more self control? I am praying for you and I ask you be intentionally praying for me as well! 

Have a Blessed Week,

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

18 hours...

Hello readers,

If there are any out there still as I haven't posted in a long time. I am currently in my last semester of college and I am taking drum roll please........18 credit hours. The maximum. Although this may seem as no large task for some, this is quite a challenge for me! It is consuming all of my time and energy, I have very little me time and it is a tad bit depressing. I am going to set a goal for myself to post once a week. Just once at first so I don't overwhelm myself. I am also working diligently on another blog entitled Captivate. (There is a link just to the right of this that can help you get there! It's purpose is to serve college age women as a tool of encouragement and hope. I hope you are having a blessed week. See you soon.


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Prayer: #SheReadsTruth

    Recently I came across a wonderful ministry entitled She Reads Truth. Basically this is a large social accountability system. I am loving being a part of all the learning that is taking place so far. How this works you ask? Well, head on over to the wepage and check it out. Currently we are reading through a series on prayer. If you have the youversion bible app you are able to access this for free! Read through, journal, and post on the main website. Another way to connect is all social media; facebook, instagram, or twitter.

    In the spirit of this sessions devotional series I thought it would good to share my prayer schedule. I will be the first to admit that I am not used to this yet, as it just came into action for me about a month ago. Also, I am not perfect and miss day's here and there but have chosen to not be hard on myself about it. Also, THIS IS NOT MY IDEA, I found it on a fellow blogger's website here. She is married and has a little one and so I changed it up a little to better fit my personal life. This schedule is by month and week. 

Weekly, I will pray for:

Sunday: Churches- In addition to praying for my own church I will pray for former churches I have been a part of and the churches of my friends and family. I also will spend time praying for the technical aspects of ministry. That the focus of all of the details would be the gospel of Jesus.

Monday: My Church Staff and Families- I will pray for each staff member and family by name. The relationships between leaders within my church. 

Tuesday: My Ministry- I will lift up specific ministries God has entrusted me with- mainly BSM. Including praying for specific students, bible studies, and events.

Wednesday: My Future Husband- This day is dedicated to praying for my future husband and our relationship. For my husband specifically; his health, spiritual growth, etc.

Thursday: Family- I will pray over specific requests from family members.

Friday: Close Friends and Not Yet Christians- I will spend time focusing on the requests of friends that I am confronted with throughout the week as well as those who do not know the Lord as their Savior.

Saturday: Monthly Prayer Focus- Today is dedicated to my monthly prayer focus. 

Monthly, I will pray for:

January: Focus -This month, I pray over all of the commitments that the Lord is calling me to make. That as I decide to invest in those things, I would decide for my yes' to be yes' and no's to be no's. I will also pray briefly for marriages as this is the month most common for individuals to file for divorce.

February: Joey- The month of Valentines Day, I will be praying for my sweet best friend. I will pray that the Lord would guide and direct our relationship towards a path that he may receive glory for.

March: Family- In March, I will direct my prayers towards the lives of my sweet Meeker, Holcomb, Roseborough, Thompson and Watts family. Praying over specific requests that I am aware of and those unbeknownst to me. I will also pray over my future family, that my God would be constantly challenging me in ways that will stretch me, grow me, and prepare me what is to come.

April: North American Mission Fields- I will be praying for the active missionaries in the US who are church planting and watering our nations soil.

May: Political Leaders- I will be praying for the upcoming elections, current leaders in office and their families. 

June: Marriages- Yay! The most popular month of the year for weddings. I will spend this month praying for the beautiful relationships of those that I know who are about to embark into wedded bliss. I also am committing to pray over those who I know are struggling with marriage difficulties.  

July: Balance- As summers can get a little hectic, this month I will be praying for the Lord to direct me in making the most of my money, time, and ministries. Making sure that my life is balanced with enough time for Christ and others.

August: Schools- As school is about to be back in session and all of our school workers head back to work. I will be praying for them. For my friends that I know who work in this profession and have such a strong influence on these children. That the teachers who are Christians to be bold. I will also be praying for my future children and their teachers. Most importantly that my children will exemplify Christ to their peers and teachers.

September: Current and Former Mentors- The Lord has provided me with so many beautiful women to follow. I want to spend time praying over these women this month. For their spiritual lives and family lives.

October: Myself- I will pray that my actions directly align with what God wants for my life.

November: Gratitude- THANKSGIVING. I will praise the Lord for the things that I am thankful for. Also, that the Lord would continue to cultivate within me a grateful heart.

December: International Ministries-  This month I will spend time praying for those in other countries, following a call to go to the ends of the earth to reach lives for Jesus! I will also be praying for unreached people groups and those who I personally know are away serving.

    I know this is a lot, and like I said before this did not come from me but rather another wonderful woman I follow. I love organization and have found that this helps me to keep up with my prayer life and experience rich community with Christ. 

    I hope this helps, go and check out Myers Cross Training, she has wonderful things to say about fitness, health, and ministry!

Is there a different way that you approach your prayer life? What ways have you found work best to stay organized?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Ultimate Makeover: The Benefits of Concealer

At our last captivate meeting I was trying to take some pictures for our new blog. In doing so, one girl responded as we all often do, "I don't have any makeup on." Several other girls began to comment and discuss that they too were in a similar situation. However, then one bold young woman chimed in and began to share her testimony with us about her recent commitment to abstain from the use of makeup. She went on to explain that she posses the head knowledge that the Lord has decreed her beauty but desires to establish that as heart knowledge. 

 All it took was one woman sharing her brokenness to unveil a room full of beautiful women who are constantly trying to cover up their imperfections out of insecurity.

One of the ways we try and make ourselves feel better is by saying, " I only use concealer and mascara." All the while meditating on the fact that we wouldn't be nearly as confident outside of our homes without those two things.

 According to Webster, the definition of concealer is as follows:

        1. One that conceals 

        2. A cosmetic used to conceal blemishes or discoloration under the eyes 

 Webster has it spot on. The makeup is a cover up (no pun intended). Out of insecurity our solution is to conceal the truth of how we have been created in order to fit into the standards of the society we live in. I recognize this is not always true daily, but maybe it is.

Although on the surface at our meeting we discussed body image there is more to it than just that. This goes deeper into the constructs of our souls. 

We come together and play the part, some days it's just easier than being transparent. However, it is harmful to our spirit to contain our sin and behave as though we are not who we truly are.

How beautiful it is to share the burdens of the darling spiritual siblings around you. Our heavenly father desires for us to not conceal the truth of our identiy but rather to share our shortcomings in order to elevate him higher. So in a spiritual sense, what are the benefits of concealer? 

What fears keep you from sharing your life open and honestly with those around you? Is there something that you are concealing?

Friday, June 8, 2012


There is a popular song on the radio right now by Jason Gray entitled "Remind Me Who I Am," and on the radio the other day he explained where his heart is in this song. It basically summed up to the fact that our sin often originates from our continual identity crisis. As humans we strive to find our worth, even subconsciously . We are seeking to serve ourselves, instead of living a life worthy of the testimony of the cross. 

Joe and I are currently reading through a book entitle Soul Detox. In the chapter I am reading right now he talks about the power our minds have, but the Lord enables with his power to take captive our thoughts! 

2 Corinthians 10:5
"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we tale captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

Satan is adamant about threatening our testimonies through the lies the world has to offer. For example, we compromise slowly but surely until we begin to think in way's that are not in line with scripture. For me I have always struggled with how so many Christians are able to sit through and watch a movie that is in no way justifiable to the cross. I am so guilty of this, how are we to look different if we are able to review and quote movies that not-yet-Christians themselves know are against everything we stand for! 

Another thing is the "that's what she said joke's." It is something that we have said okay that's not that bad, its funny so its okay. No! Slowly but surely, it has become more and more acceptable to speak inappropriately, and I refuse to believe that men are just speaking these things without thinking on them more deeply... are we seriously encouraging our brothers to stumble? I know many people reading this would claim I am naive in saying this, or its not that big a deal. That's the problem, what's next. What else will we be accepting of? 

The way we speak explains very plainly how we think. 

These are only a few examples, but the longer we are accepting of them, the more they become ingrained into our identity. How can our spirit not be offended and still be able to honor Jesus Christ. It takes a soul detox just as this book says. 

In what area's of your life can you identify that you need to be more intentional about taking captive your thoughts?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Life is pretty crazy right now, I want to write but am having a really difficult time focusing my thoughts.  The Lord is working on discipline and organization in my life. This is my first time experiencing a maymester course and it is very odd. I am missing not being able to have a summer, but it will all be worth the hard work in December.  Be praying for me friends and family. For now I will leave you with this!

If you have experience this what are your thoughts? Was your transition difficult? What wisdom can you supply me?

Sunday, May 13, 2012


I am just continually overwhelmed and humbled by the fact that even though I will never have it all together my perfect and blameless heavenly father loves me all the same. Recently I have been given the opportunity to observe in other peoples lives what it really means to wait on the Lord and trust that he will in fact be faithful. 

Several of my precious friends are waiting for the Lord to reveal to them "the next step." As I watch them seek and pray and pursue the Lord I am just so thankful for Godly women to learn from and follow. In conversations we have discussed what exactly will determine our ability to be content with wherever God may put us. The reality is this world say success is measure by the money you will recieve annually, but Jesus say's that cannot and will not satisfy! I will be content based on the fact that my position, wherever it may be, is to serve the sole purpose of furthering the kingdom of heaven. That is the final goal, that is the prize. Not the amount of money that comes in at the end of every month. 

This week I was on the phone with my mom and grandparents. We were discussing the future. I was expressing that I am unsure what God is calling me to. I don't know what I want to do with the rest of my life. Then my sweet, sweet nana said ," Rebecca, you are going to be a momma and serve in ministry and that's okay." What a relief. That is enough? 

This next season of my life I just desire to learn. Soak in the wisdom from those older than me who have been there. Better understand how I can serve university students, and continue to realize that I don't have it all together and that's okay. 

As time get's closer and graduation nears, I know I will begin to panic, but the Lord is ultimately in control, I have absolutely nothing to fear! For now friends, I am just a work in progress, and you know what I intend to be for the rest of my life!

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "this is the way, walk in it."
Isaiah 30:21

Do you feel yourself content with where the Lord has you today? Or are you not satisfied with waiting on him for the "next step" instead of the entire plan. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


What I would love to see more than anything would be Christian young women getting real. Real with themselves. 

So many girls spend all of there time trying to compete with their other sister in Christ to make themselves look good enough. When we actually realize that we  have nothing to offer ourselves, then maybe we will start to actually love people. This world is so broken, why are we adding to the bondage rather than providing life.

This summer I am seeking to get real with God. I want to not possess any credit for anything in my life because in all honesty I deserve none. Many people say this verbally just for the sake of making themselves look better and because that is what you are "supposed" to do. When is it going to get old? When are people going to just be real. It has to be exhausting, I know I used to really battle with chasing attention and approval from those around me, and even selfishly fueling my pride . We are no better than anyone around us, we are all broken. We are not here to develop our  "christian resume." 

What is the point in "serving others" if you really are only serving yourself. It is time to get real, it is time to evaluate our intentions. Are we seeking to reveal the glory of the gospel. Or are we serving ourselves. 

If you want to change the world. Be real. It is rare.

Are you able to be honest with yourself? Ask the Lord to challenge you to seek his face in all areas of your life. Ask him to reveal to you what you are chasing that is harming  how genuine your worship really is. 

Monday, May 7, 2012


"Compared to other women my beloved is like a lily among thorns."
Song of Solomon 2:2

About seven months ago I began learning more about photography. I really have enjoyed learning this trade. and could see myself pursuing this more in my future. 

Right now I have several friends who are sweet enough to constantly be my genie pigs! So thankful for them or else I wouldn't be able to learn through trial and error like I have thus far. It is really difficult being self taught and I would love to have a mentor to go to for help. Her are some pictures I have taken recently that I really enjoy.

Are you into photography, what knowledge can you provide me or feedback do you have more my portraits so far?

Saturday, May 5, 2012


“Forget the former things; 
    do not dwell on the past.

See, I am doing a new thing! 
    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness 
    and streams in the wasteland."

Isaiah 43: 18-19

"How precious Oh LORD are your thoughts to me!"

As I am soaking up the ending of this season of my life at the dawning of a new,  I just want to take a minute to rejoice in the fact the God of the universe is a strong tower! He is sovereign and worthy of honor and glory!

The end of a school year is always such a time for me to reflect and praise God for the ways in which he has allowed me to see his hand at work. Even though it is not by any means the end of the story, it is inevitable that we might be able to look back and see his story unfolding in such a mighty way in the lives of those we serve around us! 

This past week I remembered just prior to leaving for college going to sit in Jimmy Taylor, my youth ministers office so thrilled that the Lord had revealed to me that Corpus Christi would be my mission field for the next 4 years. I remember talking with him about living missionally and pursing an opportunity to serve others over myself throughout my college experience.

I am so thankful the Lord saw fit for me to get the beautiful opportunity to be a part of students lives on this campus! Are you kidding me God, you think I am capable of serving the people that you have put in my life. Thank you for such an honor. 

My freshman year I spent the entire first semester praying through where the Lord would have me to serve. I am so grateful he made it so clear to me that the BSM is where I was to be in order to learn and teach as well. I have spent the past three years of college learning and growing to understand that season's are my favorite part of life. Not only in my own life but in others as well. There is no better joy that to get to serve along side another brother or sister in Christ or a not yet Christian through a season of pain, struggle, or growth. How beautiful it is when the Lord delivers and comes through on his promise of new life!

The BSM banquet was this past week. Testimony after testimony reveals the works of the Lord. Relationships observed uncover the endless love and compassion that Jesus has already bestowed upon us all. As I stood around observing that the Lord indeed is good, I couldn't help but to be reminded... 

"Becca, this is why I call you to be intentional and submissive to my spirit, so that I might lead you into specific divine appointments in order to continue to further my kingdom."

As I listened to one student share testimony of a simple gesture directing him to Jesus, I was brought to tears, as we surrounded students who are submitting to the call of missions, I was brought to tears, as my heart prepared to say farewell to an intern who has faithful served the Lord and is still blindly being obedient, I was brought to tears.

Divine Appointments.

I refuse to be absent from the lives of those who so desperately need to hear that they too can experience freedom! I refuse to continue to listen to my own selfish desires rather than those of the holy spirit who is so present and available within me. 

"See, I am doing a new thing! 
Now it springs up, do you not perceive it?"

We serve a God who is the business of bringing what was once dead to life! Just as a new season comes, and the tree's and flowers which have struggled in the past season, too are brought into new life, so are the children of God.

Are you going to miss it? Or are you going to seek first the kingdom of heaven. Are you going to serve yourself? Or will you consider yourself less. 

New opportunities ignite a passion in me for the start of another season? What do you love about the end of one season and the beginning of another?

Monday, April 2, 2012


I was reading at one of my favorite blogs called thoughtbynatalie this morning and came across this passage that she had used from her daily devotional and I decided to share it with you. What does a successful day in unity with our savior look like? I am not sharing this to create yet another checklist for us to accomplish and pile on to our hectic and self-controlled lives but rather to point out our lack of surrender. 

This passage was convicting to me. Becca, I don't need you, but I choose to use you! If you pursue me and me alone all else will fall into place. Why haven't you figured it out. You know the head knowledge, but it is time to make it heart knowledge.

"I am calling you to a life of constant communion with Me. Basic training means learning to live above your circumstances. Even while interacting on that cluttered plane of life, you yearn for a simplified lifestyle, so that your communication with Me can be uninterrupted. But I challenge you to relinquish the fantasy of an uncluttered world. Accept each day just as it comes. And find Me in the midst of it all. Talk with Me about every aspect of your day, including your feelings. Remember your ultimate goal is not to control or fix everything around you. It is to keep communing with Me. A successful day is one in which you have stayed in touch with Me. Even if many things remain undone at the end of the day. Do not let your to-do list (written or mental) become an idol directing your life. Instead ask My Spirit to guide you moment by moment. He will keep you close to Me."

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Back In The Swing of Things

It has been a while since I have posted, I allowed myself to get too busy! However, recently the Lord is reminding me that I once again have missed the mark. 

This semester the reoccurring verse that is being presented to me through friends, discipleship, and my daily walk is one that most have heard, but I feel we never truly grasp!

Matthew 6:33 "But seek FIRST his KINGDOM and his RIGHTEOUSNESS and all else will be added to you.

Simple right. We know the drill. I have got this..


Do we really seek the kingdom of the Lord first in every single decision that is being made? I know that I don't. I am selfish and tend to pursue what I want and not necessarily being concerned with how the Lord really desires for my routine to go.

So why is this on my mind. Well it is simple, it all comes back to this verse. When my life seems chaotic, when I think that my current battle is all consuming, when I give into my flesh, when I pursue the world and get burned; the cause obvious. Who's kingdom are we really seeking.

Recently the Lord has been reminding me that spiritual warfare is so real.. we need to be ready. When temptation and trials come. When things happen that are not what we had planned. Tragedy. How are we going to respond. I once heard it said, "When you get squeezed, what will you ooze.."

As real as it gets,