Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Ultimate Makeover: The Benefits of Concealer

At our last captivate meeting I was trying to take some pictures for our new blog. In doing so, one girl responded as we all often do, "I don't have any makeup on." Several other girls began to comment and discuss that they too were in a similar situation. However, then one bold young woman chimed in and began to share her testimony with us about her recent commitment to abstain from the use of makeup. She went on to explain that she posses the head knowledge that the Lord has decreed her beauty but desires to establish that as heart knowledge. 

 All it took was one woman sharing her brokenness to unveil a room full of beautiful women who are constantly trying to cover up their imperfections out of insecurity.

One of the ways we try and make ourselves feel better is by saying, " I only use concealer and mascara." All the while meditating on the fact that we wouldn't be nearly as confident outside of our homes without those two things.

 According to Webster, the definition of concealer is as follows:

        1. One that conceals 

        2. A cosmetic used to conceal blemishes or discoloration under the eyes 

 Webster has it spot on. The makeup is a cover up (no pun intended). Out of insecurity our solution is to conceal the truth of how we have been created in order to fit into the standards of the society we live in. I recognize this is not always true daily, but maybe it is.

Although on the surface at our meeting we discussed body image there is more to it than just that. This goes deeper into the constructs of our souls. 

We come together and play the part, some days it's just easier than being transparent. However, it is harmful to our spirit to contain our sin and behave as though we are not who we truly are.

How beautiful it is to share the burdens of the darling spiritual siblings around you. Our heavenly father desires for us to not conceal the truth of our identiy but rather to share our shortcomings in order to elevate him higher. So in a spiritual sense, what are the benefits of concealer? 

What fears keep you from sharing your life open and honestly with those around you? Is there something that you are concealing?

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