Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Life is pretty crazy right now, I want to write but am having a really difficult time focusing my thoughts.  The Lord is working on discipline and organization in my life. This is my first time experiencing a maymester course and it is very odd. I am missing not being able to have a summer, but it will all be worth the hard work in December.  Be praying for me friends and family. For now I will leave you with this!

If you have experience this what are your thoughts? Was your transition difficult? What wisdom can you supply me?

Sunday, May 13, 2012


I am just continually overwhelmed and humbled by the fact that even though I will never have it all together my perfect and blameless heavenly father loves me all the same. Recently I have been given the opportunity to observe in other peoples lives what it really means to wait on the Lord and trust that he will in fact be faithful. 

Several of my precious friends are waiting for the Lord to reveal to them "the next step." As I watch them seek and pray and pursue the Lord I am just so thankful for Godly women to learn from and follow. In conversations we have discussed what exactly will determine our ability to be content with wherever God may put us. The reality is this world say success is measure by the money you will recieve annually, but Jesus say's that cannot and will not satisfy! I will be content based on the fact that my position, wherever it may be, is to serve the sole purpose of furthering the kingdom of heaven. That is the final goal, that is the prize. Not the amount of money that comes in at the end of every month. 

This week I was on the phone with my mom and grandparents. We were discussing the future. I was expressing that I am unsure what God is calling me to. I don't know what I want to do with the rest of my life. Then my sweet, sweet nana said ," Rebecca, you are going to be a momma and serve in ministry and that's okay." What a relief. That is enough? 

This next season of my life I just desire to learn. Soak in the wisdom from those older than me who have been there. Better understand how I can serve university students, and continue to realize that I don't have it all together and that's okay. 

As time get's closer and graduation nears, I know I will begin to panic, but the Lord is ultimately in control, I have absolutely nothing to fear! For now friends, I am just a work in progress, and you know what I intend to be for the rest of my life!

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "this is the way, walk in it."
Isaiah 30:21

Do you feel yourself content with where the Lord has you today? Or are you not satisfied with waiting on him for the "next step" instead of the entire plan. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


What I would love to see more than anything would be Christian young women getting real. Real with themselves. 

So many girls spend all of there time trying to compete with their other sister in Christ to make themselves look good enough. When we actually realize that we  have nothing to offer ourselves, then maybe we will start to actually love people. This world is so broken, why are we adding to the bondage rather than providing life.

This summer I am seeking to get real with God. I want to not possess any credit for anything in my life because in all honesty I deserve none. Many people say this verbally just for the sake of making themselves look better and because that is what you are "supposed" to do. When is it going to get old? When are people going to just be real. It has to be exhausting, I know I used to really battle with chasing attention and approval from those around me, and even selfishly fueling my pride . We are no better than anyone around us, we are all broken. We are not here to develop our  "christian resume." 

What is the point in "serving others" if you really are only serving yourself. It is time to get real, it is time to evaluate our intentions. Are we seeking to reveal the glory of the gospel. Or are we serving ourselves. 

If you want to change the world. Be real. It is rare.

Are you able to be honest with yourself? Ask the Lord to challenge you to seek his face in all areas of your life. Ask him to reveal to you what you are chasing that is harming  how genuine your worship really is. 

Monday, May 7, 2012


"Compared to other women my beloved is like a lily among thorns."
Song of Solomon 2:2

About seven months ago I began learning more about photography. I really have enjoyed learning this trade. and could see myself pursuing this more in my future. 

Right now I have several friends who are sweet enough to constantly be my genie pigs! So thankful for them or else I wouldn't be able to learn through trial and error like I have thus far. It is really difficult being self taught and I would love to have a mentor to go to for help. Her are some pictures I have taken recently that I really enjoy.

Are you into photography, what knowledge can you provide me or feedback do you have more my portraits so far?

Saturday, May 5, 2012


“Forget the former things; 
    do not dwell on the past.

See, I am doing a new thing! 
    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness 
    and streams in the wasteland."

Isaiah 43: 18-19

"How precious Oh LORD are your thoughts to me!"

As I am soaking up the ending of this season of my life at the dawning of a new,  I just want to take a minute to rejoice in the fact the God of the universe is a strong tower! He is sovereign and worthy of honor and glory!

The end of a school year is always such a time for me to reflect and praise God for the ways in which he has allowed me to see his hand at work. Even though it is not by any means the end of the story, it is inevitable that we might be able to look back and see his story unfolding in such a mighty way in the lives of those we serve around us! 

This past week I remembered just prior to leaving for college going to sit in Jimmy Taylor, my youth ministers office so thrilled that the Lord had revealed to me that Corpus Christi would be my mission field for the next 4 years. I remember talking with him about living missionally and pursing an opportunity to serve others over myself throughout my college experience.

I am so thankful the Lord saw fit for me to get the beautiful opportunity to be a part of students lives on this campus! Are you kidding me God, you think I am capable of serving the people that you have put in my life. Thank you for such an honor. 

My freshman year I spent the entire first semester praying through where the Lord would have me to serve. I am so grateful he made it so clear to me that the BSM is where I was to be in order to learn and teach as well. I have spent the past three years of college learning and growing to understand that season's are my favorite part of life. Not only in my own life but in others as well. There is no better joy that to get to serve along side another brother or sister in Christ or a not yet Christian through a season of pain, struggle, or growth. How beautiful it is when the Lord delivers and comes through on his promise of new life!

The BSM banquet was this past week. Testimony after testimony reveals the works of the Lord. Relationships observed uncover the endless love and compassion that Jesus has already bestowed upon us all. As I stood around observing that the Lord indeed is good, I couldn't help but to be reminded... 

"Becca, this is why I call you to be intentional and submissive to my spirit, so that I might lead you into specific divine appointments in order to continue to further my kingdom."

As I listened to one student share testimony of a simple gesture directing him to Jesus, I was brought to tears, as we surrounded students who are submitting to the call of missions, I was brought to tears, as my heart prepared to say farewell to an intern who has faithful served the Lord and is still blindly being obedient, I was brought to tears.

Divine Appointments.

I refuse to be absent from the lives of those who so desperately need to hear that they too can experience freedom! I refuse to continue to listen to my own selfish desires rather than those of the holy spirit who is so present and available within me. 

"See, I am doing a new thing! 
Now it springs up, do you not perceive it?"

We serve a God who is the business of bringing what was once dead to life! Just as a new season comes, and the tree's and flowers which have struggled in the past season, too are brought into new life, so are the children of God.

Are you going to miss it? Or are you going to seek first the kingdom of heaven. Are you going to serve yourself? Or will you consider yourself less. 

New opportunities ignite a passion in me for the start of another season? What do you love about the end of one season and the beginning of another?