Sunday, September 23, 2012

An ability that leads to a downfall

As this semester seems to be flying by, the Lord is continually humbling my heart, soul, and mind. As I am in this time of transition it has been so easy for me to jump the gun, looking towards the mountain in the distance with expectant and anxious eyes. I have had to be reminded that I am not in control. This week in my quiet time I came across this passage on worrying. It spoke of how the Lord has ordained our bodies and minds to be anticipatory. We are the only being that has the higher level thinking capability to predict the future (See thing's coming). How awesome is it that he  see's us worthy of being entrusted with that gift... let's get back to it. This as a great strength and he utilizes it as such in many aspects of our lives. However as we know, things tend to be good in moderation. This is a gift, but when we press the envelope it can be our greatest downfall. I began to meditate on this more thinking of other areas of my life that I need the Holy Spirit to establish dominion and restraint over. I am fascinated by our minds, the way they are created and function is so intriguing (maybe that's my degree speaking), but it is so important to utilize another thing the Lord gifted us with and that is self control. As Christians we are to deny ourselves of our own "rights," as we know that entitlement brings our souls to perish. There may be times in your life when the Lord lifts your head to look towards the mountain, and other times he may be asking you to focus your eyes towards the stepping stone inches from your feet. Let's decided today to practice self control by following the Lord in Obedience.

Are there any area's in your life that the Holy Spirit needs to take captive? Could you use more self control? I am praying for you and I ask you be intentionally praying for me as well! 

Have a Blessed Week,

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